Our Foundation has no support from the state or from other public organisation and lives on people's donations. The research is very expensive so that our foundation has an extreme need of funds.
Also, the psychological impact of the Spinal Cord Injury (Para and quadriplegia) is less impressive on the people's imagination than that of other diseases as f.i. tumors or degenerative diseases. But the problem is severe and the economical burden for the families and for the Country is enormous, as well as the physical and psychological suffering of the patients and of their relatives. The frequency of these lesions is continuously increasing and in Italy about 2000 young people every year are put in a wheelchair for the rest of their life.
Our foundation is a non-profit one and it is classed ONLUS so that donation are tax-deducible.
Donation may be done by:
Banco di Brescia Ag. 8 Via S: Maria Crocifissa di Rosa, 67 25128 Brescia
C/C 28876 ABI 3500 CAB 11208 IBAN : IT 28I 03500 11208 0000000 28876
Con bollettino postale intestato a "Fondazione Ricerca Lesioni Midollo Spinale"
C/C 11692258
Tax Incentives
Remember that donations and donations in memory ARE deductible.
Without any limitation (See Law 23.12.2005 n ° 266 article 1 paragraph 353 Decrees of the President and the Council of Ministers 8.5.2007 and 25.2.2009)
To the maximum extent of 10% of taxable income or up to € 70,000 (whichever is the lower of the two limits) (See Legislative Decree 14.3.2005 n ° 35 art. 14th President of the Council of Ministers Decrees and 8.5.2007 and 25.2.2009)
The contributions must be paid through the banking system or post, even using the online payment by credit card, attaching to its income tax return the appropriate document certifying the payment made (ie bank receipt, bank statement, postal order). It is therefore not permissible deductions for contributions paid in cash.